Monday, March 30, 2009


To the right I have posted a poll for you to guess when the Little Lady will arrive, as we are quickly approaching the due date. A few tidbits for you prior to making your decision:

  • My mom was two weeks early with all three of us kids (though she was induced with Mallory so I guess that doesn’t really count).
  • At my 31 week appointment, I was measuring only 27 weeks.
  • However, at my 28 week appointment, the baby was measuring nine days ahead of schedule with a estimated due date of May 21st.
  • My birthday is May 12th and I am adamant that she is not born on my birthday – I want her to have her own special day and not have to share with her mom.
  • I hated sharing my birthday with Mother’s Day (wow, I was one selfish little girl) and therefore, don’t want her to be born the week of May 11th.
  • Because of the last two points, Ryan is convinced she will be born two weeks early just to spite me.

So what do you think?


I love this blog - this Runner's World contributor blogged about running through her pregnancy and now continues to write as her son approaches the one year mark. Reading her ups and downs, hilarious stories, as well as advice on gear, etc has been motivating and entertaining for me these past few months. This post is one of my favorites….as I've had a few similar encounters with strangers and friends alike.

Here are a few such examples:

The knowing smiler. Last week Ryan and I were out for a long walk with Elhers on a side street without a sidewalk. A large SUV was barreling towards us, giving us little extra room until the driver noticed I was pregnant - then he proceeded to cross into the other lane, slow way down, and give us a HUGE grin. Either he was laughing at my ridiculous protruding belly or our horribly non-behaving puppy….

The advice-giver. Actually, I'm loving the advice givers. Bring on the advice, I need every bit of it as I have NO IDEA what I'm doing. I have really appreciated all my friends and family these past few months who have helped with everything from day care, pediatricians, maternity support belts, etc (actually, shout out to cousin Beth who has helped with all these things and been an AMAZING resource for us). Thanks for all the advice, and keep it coming!

The horror story-teller. Really Annie? Did you need to tell me about your girlfriend whose doctors refused her an epidural, then she ended up being in labor for 24 hours, and had an emergency c-section under general anesthesia? Thanks a lot…..

The doubter. My doubters tend to be those who don't exercise in the least. Case in point, a friend of ours, whom I know is not very active, asked if I was still running and swimming. After my response, she put her hands on her hips, gave me a disapproving look, and asked "does your doctor know you are still doing all that?" Answer: yep the doctor knows, and she says it's great for me and the little lady.

The starer. While the blog that inspired this post claims that 'starers' tend to be young kids, I disagree. My starers are my male co-workers who stare at me as I walk down the hallway - I'm not sure what they are thinking, but after an awkward conversation with one such co-worker, I probably don't want to know….conversation went something like this: Him - When are you due, Me - May 30th, Him - Wow you are HUGE!, Me - wildly inappropriate name-calling and cursing (ok, maybe that last part was just in my head).

I have a few additional categories of my own:

The enthusiast: On my running route, I often pass an older woman out for her morning power walk - she is fantastic- she has to be at least 75 years old, she's pumping and swinging her arms, listening to her huge 80's headphones, and always give me a big wave and a good morning shout out. Well, last week I was running, saw my lady friend, said our typical hello and good morning, and then as I ran by, heard her yell "GOOD FOR YOU!" Made my day….

The belly toucher. I have yet to be touched by a stranger, and honestly don't mind friends/family touching the belly. However, one thing I do find hilarious - everyone reaches out, touches the belly, makes a comment about how cute/big/etc it is, and then asks "oh, do you mind if I touch your belly."

No, I don't mind, in a way I'm probably used to it - I grew up with my mother who loves babies and pregnant bellies so much that she scares strangers in stores while shopping - she not only touches strangers' bellies but reaches out to babies to tickle and coo at them. I'm sure these strangers think she falls into the category 'baby snatcher'! Love it…makes me laugh every time.

Oh, the joys of pregnancy. Less than nine weeks remaining of these encounters. The countdown is on….

Sunday, March 29, 2009


And we thought winter was over.............

Luckily Ryan had plans to work inside this weekend. Before and after pics of the basement ceiling.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


The husband has mentioned multiple times in the last few weeks how addicted I am to the internet lately. So I thought I'd share a few of my favorite sites....

Pregnancy FYI addiction
Baby Center
What to Expect
Fit Pregnancy

Baby gear/decor addiction
Consumer Reports
Craigs List
Pottery Barn Kids
Land of Nod
Babies R Us

Online shopping addiction
A Pea in the Pod
Japenese Weekend

Food addiction
Pitch Restaurant Reviews
KC Menus

Newly discovered addictions
Jessica McDougall blog (thanks Melissa, I spent the better part of Sunday reading up!)
Cool mom picks
The Modern Mom

Huh, maybe he has a point - these are just my favorites. Happy surfing!

30 weeks

Whoaa, look at that belly!

I found this article - and I have all these issues except queasiness. We went shopping this weekend for what is quickly becoming my new favorite pregnancy purchase - a prenatal pillow. Apparently my tossing and turning at night is not only hindering my sleep but Ryan's as well, so I think he is also extremely excited about this purchase!

Here's to hoping for a good night's sleep!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Handy Hus

Ryan has been hard at work in the basement all week and weekend installing four new recess lights, light switches, and two plugs - today he is finally finished! Good job honey, the man room is well under way! Next, drywall......


Ryan and I went to a huge consignment sale Thursday night and found some good deals! Check out all our new loot! There is another sale in Shawnee coming up in April( and for any expecting or new moms, I would highly recommend. One piece of advice - go as early as possible as it was very crowded - we shopped for approx 45 minutes and waited in the check-out line for an hour and a half!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

All Dressed Up

Ryan and I attended the Avila University Steer Dinner and Auction last night as my partner is on the Board and invited myself and a few co-workers to join him at his table. Ryan came home with a silent auction win of 2 passes to AMC movie theatres for one year….either we need lots of babysitters or Ryan needs a date for the movies! Thanks Nanny and Auntie M for searching through your closets for a semi-formal dress that fit over my belly!

Running for Two

A brief update on my running, etc (for my benefit as much as your reading entertainment as the weeks are starting to run together and I’m having a hard time keeping track…baby brain, I swear!). I have continued to run three times a week – a long run on the weekend of around 8 miles and then two shorter runs during the week around 5 or 6 miles. I have also been swimming 1500 meters three times a week and doing light weights and lunges. However, this weekend I ‘accidentally’ ran closer to 10 miles during my long run – I’ve been leaving my watch at home as I don’t really want to know my slow pace (and have been avoiding treadmills for the same reason) and was chit chatting with a lady who I thought wanted to run only 8 miles, but somehow we ended up close to the ten mile turnaround. Probably a little too much for me as I feel like I do when I am marathon training and had a 22 miler – needed a nice long nap and my legs and sciatic are killing me! Baby’s Daddy not too impressed with my lapse in judgment..…

Saturday, March 7, 2009

28 week appointment

Yesterday we had our 28 week appointment. We had a second sonogram because our first at 20 weeks showed that my placenta was low-lying and the doctor wanted to rule out placenta previa. Sonogram looked great – placenta moved up and out of the way, so no scheduled c-section. Baby is still a girl, is in the 70th percentile of weight at 2 pounds 12 oz, and is measuring in length to be due early around May 21st. However, one way they determine length is looking at her femur and other leg bones so Ryan and I think she is measuring large because she has long legs like her parents…Ryan says a basketball player in the making! My belly is measuring small at 25 cm (doctor said I should be closer to one cm a week, or 28 cm); however the doctor is completely unconcerned as Little Lady and mom are gaining weight and growing.

I mentioned the new pregnancy symptom of heartburn to my nurse and came home with a bag full of tums and advice to lay off the greasy and fried foods….yeah yeah, I know, but I am telling you, the burger and fries were totally worth it!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Feel the burn....

Ugh, fun side effect of pregnancy that I am just now starting to experience….heart burn. Last night, I had the most delicious meal in celebration of Bryn’s birthday. Bryn, Christy, and I tried a new restaurant in Westport, Blanc Burgers, and my blue cheese/bacon/onion ring burger was amazing. Plus of course we had to try the sweet potato fries and onion rings! However at 3 am this morning, I was definitely regretting eating every single bite……………….hmmm, or maybe it was worth it! So yummy!!!

Happy Birthday Nanny!

Today is mom's birthday - we Saylor girls celebrated early on Wednesday with a tasty lunch at Cafe Sebastienne......

then enjoyed pedicures. Much needed as it's getting harder and harder for me to reach my toes!

Thanks for a fun day Mom and Mallory....might be our last "girl's day" before our threesome becomes four!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Ryan is out of town for a few days, and I have a week's vacation. How's a gal to keep herself busy????

Girl's Weekend! Annie came to town and was a HUGE help in registering for the little lady. To be honest, I just followed her around and pointed the gun...I have no idea about these baby things yet....thank goodness she was here to help!

On Saturday night, Annie and I went to dinner with our college friend Amanda, who has the most beautiful 6 month old girl Taya. We had such a great time catching up. Plus I appreciated the brutal honesty about birth and the first few weeks of being a new mom....ok, maybe they were a little too honest and I'm freaked out now....Mom, can you move in with us please!?!?!

I've also been busy with a few projects while on "vacation"....

Ehlers helped me read all the directions prior to putting together the crib (yes Ryan, I swear I read them all and didn't skip any steps!!! I'm not known for having patience when it comes to projects....)

Oh so cute, I love it!!!!

I regrouted a few nasty tiles the Master bathroom


Elhers helping me...............


Then on a whim decided the bathroom trim, cabinets, and wainscotting needed a fresh coat of white paint!

Ehlers had surgery to guarantee Little Lady is the only "baby" around here, and as you can see, Lynnie is not nearly as helpful with the house projects! Bad dog, sneaking up on the coach (and typical of me to think it's cute and take a picture instead of yelling at her to get down....I'm afraid I know who the disciplinarian of our kids will be...not me!)
After all these projects, I think I now deserve a few days of retail therapy...good thing Ryan is out of town until Wednesday! :)