Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Turkey Day

This is the third year we've spent Thanksgiving in Arizona, and I believe we've settled into a fun, yet very relaxing, tradition.  A few highlights:
~Mom, Dad, and I shop for our "traditional" non-traditional meal of beef tenderloin and a bit of red wine at Costco.  
~Long walks around the neighborhood/Safeway/AJ's/Starbucks
~Dining out with and without kiddos
~Celebrating Papa Kurt's birthday each year!
~An amazing Thanksgiving meal.  In addition to the tenderloin, we dined on a family favorite, Cowboy Ciao's Stetson salad plus roasted asparagus, mashed potatoes (Ryan's impulse buy while at AJs!), and of course Costco pumpkin pie (ya'll know I do not bake!). I'm still full...
~Nanny and I enjoying a few shopping hours on Black Friday while the boys put up Christmas lights.  We then trade off for nap time while Papa Kurt and Ryan grab a quiet drink at our neighborhood restaurant.  

We have so very much to be thankful for, each and every year!

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