Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

We are so lucky to have you in our lives, for so many reasons....

~you create the best giggles and belly laughs

~you are never too tired for one more round of chasing Lily

~you always spend extra minutes just playing during bath time because Lily loves it so much

~you have been so patient and kind this past year while Mom figures out this parenting thing

~Lily calling out da-da might be the cutest sound in the world

~your actions each day show us that we are your number one priority and for that, we will both be forever grateful!

Ryan, we love you more than words. Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

katieharris said...

Adorable photos. I always knew Ryan would be an awesome dad, he's just so loving and considerate of others. And a fun way :)
I like your blog redesign, very cute and colorful, like Lily.