Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter morning

While we were sleeping, the Easter Bunny paid Lily a visit.
He left a fun filled basket of goodies to be discovered in the morning...
...and some hidden eggs filled with candy
She quickly figured out searching for eggs and was over the moon with each one she found.

modeling a few items the Easter Bunny left

and thrilled with more candy
She might have been on a sugar high - she was hyper all morning.
Jelly beans for breakfast makes for one entertaining hour at church.

After sorting through her basket, she showed off her loot to Nanny via Skype.
"Look Nanny, new slippers!"

We then cleaned up and headed off to church.

followed by Easter dinner and my very first attempt at baking a cake!
(idea stolen from here)

Though we missed our family, we had a very Happy Easter and hope each of you did too!


MJS said...

I love the new smile! and very proud of your culinary masterpiece.

katieharris said...

Man, Lily lady really hit the jackpot! I think it helps that she's so cute :)
And I love that blog, but have never had a good reason to make a colorful layer cake. I like your Easter interpretation, looks delish!